Oase Pond Filter
These are the best Oase Pond Filters
The German company Oase is considered a proven solution in the field of pond care. It was founded in 1949 and offers high-quality indoor as well as outdoor solutions related to water. An Oase pond filter is considered high quality as well as reliable. Equally devices for small as well as for large ponds are offered here. Moreover, the sets are sometimes powerful enough to provide a great habitat even for a dense Koi stock.

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Oase pond filters – 3 models in the presentation
Oase BioPress Set 4000
Pressure filters are a good choice in small and medium-sized ponds. They remove various types of debris. A recommendation here is the Oase BioPress Set 4000 .
The device is delivered together in a set with the matching pump and a UV-C clarifier. This allows you to get started right away. Oase recommends the use in ponds up to 4000 liters (2000 liters with fish stocking). The associated hose is 4.5 meters long. You can bury the filter up to the top edge and therefore ensure a very natural environment. Nevertheless, access to the 3 sponges and co. – for maintenance – is possible at any time via the top cover.
Thanks to the UV filter, even small suspended particles can be successfully destroyed. The filter pump delivers 1500 liters/hour. In addition, there is a practical contamination indicator. So you’ll be alerted when maintenance needs to be done. By the way, the combined power consumption is 36 watts, which can be classified as very moderate.
Oase BioSmart UVC 16000
Oase also has the right solution for larger ponds. The keyword here is continuous flow filter. A proven pond filter is the Oase Biosmart UVC 16000 .
This model is designed for a volume of water up to 16,000 liters. With fish stocking it should be a maximum of 8000 or with koi only 4000 liters. The space requirement is still within limits. While the width is 38 cm, the length is 56 cm. This filter can also be buried if necessary – by about 1/3 of its height – to make the appearance more discreet. It looks quite massive, but weighs just over 5 kg, so commissioning will not cause any complications.
It circulates 5500 liters per hour in operation. Here, 12 filter sponges and a UV filter are used at once. Thus, all common types of unwanted particles can be stopped. Among other things, the temperature display and the contamination indicator ensure a high level of comfort. In addition, there is an outlet in the bottom to be able to drain off coarse dirt. This also saves effort.
Oase BioSmart Set 5000
Auch in kleinen Teichen gewährleisten Durchlauffilter einen reibungslosen Filter-Vorgang. Ein probates Set ist in diesem Zusammenhang derOase BioSmart 5000 .
Although this filter is designed only for ponds up to 5000 liters (with fish stocking 2500 liters), it comes up with a comprehensive functionality. For example, a 7-watt UV-C clarifier is integrated inside. This also removes fine suspended algae and bacteria. In addition, there are 2 sponges of different porosity. The water can be transported upwards over a height of up to 1.9 meters (Oase filter pump 1500).
Further comfortable are the two handles for a filter cleaning in shortest time. You can also drain the debris downwards. Although the set is relatively inexpensive, Oase offers a clear water guarantee. Also worth mentioning is the fact that the water is additionally enriched with oxygen during cleaning, which is very useful in fish ponds.
Oase pond filter – You should always pay attention to the following
Conditions on site
There is no one pond filter that is the optimal choice for all types of ponds. If this were the case, there would be no need for a treatise on the subject. In practice, however, there is a wide variety of conditions. Particularly important parameters are the size of the pond and the flow rate of the pump. Both must necessarily fit the filter.
Of great importance is also the fact whether fish are present. Fish affect the water quality through their excretions and the consumption of dissolved oxygen. In addition, there are sometimes deposits of food. For these reasons, you need a particularly efficient filter if you have fish.
Good manufacturers, including Oase, give reference values for ponds with and without fish stocking. If only one value is given, it will refer to a water volume without fish stocking. For a pond with goldfish or whitefish, you should plan for a 50% reduction. If you are dealing with demanding koi, the filter should only be used for 1/3 of the specified water volume.
You also need to know in advance where the water will be directed. The classic is of course the direct return to the pond. Alternatives are the creation of a stream or a waterfall. For the latter, a so-called pressure filter is recommended.
Flow rate
The flow rate of the pump must in any case match the amount of water. It is expressed either in m³/hour or liters/hour.
The larger the pond, the more water must be pumped per unit of time. In addition, the flow rate must also be relatively high if the pond is stocked with fish. If the water is passed through the filter frequently, it will also be particularly clean. However, completely oversized systems do not make sense either.
A pond with fish stocking can be circulated 10-12 times per day with a clear conscience. For a pool already 2x/day would be sufficient. If the circulation is carried out too often, this will only result in marginal improvements, but in unnecessarily high electricity costs.
In addition, the pond filter must also cope with the amount of water. Here, too, manufacturers make recommendations. Of course, it makes no sense for the filter to overflow or for the water to be pushed through so much that no filtering activity can take place.
Delivery head
The delivery head of the pump is also important. It provides information about how deep the pump may be under water. Depending on the position of the pond filter, there is also a certain distance on land. In order for an Oase pond filter to work optimally, the associated pump should be located at the deepest possible point in the pond.
Which delivery head is sufficient depends largely on the conditions on site. In private use, a delivery head of between 1.5 and 3 meters is often sufficient. The low placement also has another advantage: in winter, the associated pump does not freeze and is therefore protected from damage.
If you want to use a non-manufacturer pump, you must pay attention to the size of the connections. Diameters between 25, 28, 32 and 38 mm are common for the intake. The drainage often takes place via a 50 mm wide opening. Here, for example, the use of a PVC pipe is suitable. In a set from Oase, everything is of course perfectly matched.
Filter media
A high-quality Oase pond filter has several filter media. This allows for the reliable removal of debris of various origins.
Coarse particles generally remain inside most reliably. For impurities invisible to humans, such as ammonia or nitrate, special sponges are already required.
A UV-C clarifier is definitely very useful in this context. The UV light destroys fine suspended algae and other suspended particles. The UV radiation achieves this by changing the protein structure of the substances. Subsequently, they die and fall to the bottom. In addition, the UV radiation can kill bacteria as well as viruses.
The performance of the UV filter must also fit the size of the pond. In small areas, values between 8 and 11 watts are sufficient. In a large koi pond, 20 watts should be exceeded.
An Oase pond filter also has the practical feature of being able to enrich the water inside with oxygen. On hot days, this circumstance can protect the fish life.
At the start of the season in spring, you may consider adding chemical cleaning agents. However, these should be used with caution, as they can harm fish and the environment.
Energy consumption
Even an Oase pond filter uses electricity continuously during operation. You can see how high the consumption is by looking at the power consumption, which in turn is shown in watts.
Of course, a combination of low power consumption and a high flow rate is ideal. Such devices are then considered particularly efficient.
Especially in large ponds and ponds with fish stocking, it can go wrong to pay attention to a low wattage. Otherwise, the potential is limited. Especially with a demanding conveying distance, a high performance is necessary.
In general, continuous flow filters from Oase are much more efficient than, for example, the operation of a sand filter system.
If you want to calculate the energy costs precisely, you should not forget that a UV filter also draws electricity.
Solar filters are not recommended for ponds of a normal size and especially not for fish ponds. Their performance is simply not sufficient.
Maintenance costs
The issue of maintenance is certainly unwelcome. Nevertheless, it simply belongs to the fact that with the time here hand must be put on.
The general filter media, such as the sponge material, should be cleaned at least once a year – preferably shortly before the start of the season. This can simply be rinsed out with the garden hose and wrung out a few times. Unfortunately, the beneficial organisms that have formed for natural filtering are lost in the process.
The tank can also be simply rinsed out with standard tap water.
An Oase pond filter can sometimes have an indicator for the degree of contamination. This is of course practical, as you do not have to be so attentive here.
Hot water as well as washing-up liquid have no place in the cleaning process. They would do more harm than good. At some point, the filter material will become so worn that it will have to be replaced. It is no problem to purchase this separately from Oase.
The UV lamp is usually particularly susceptible. It should also be replaced at the beginning of the season. Otherwise, its performance becomes weaker and weaker.
Even a high-quality Oase pond filter is not designed to be left outside in winter. You should store it, safely protected from the frost. The pump can remain in the water as long as it does not freeze.
The cost, of course, also has some influence on the decision. They should generally be in fair proportion to your own requirements. The better the filtration should be and the more water you want to handle, the higher you should set the budget.
An Oase pond filter is not generally considered to be inexpensive. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that durable and powerful components are used. On the other hand, the manufacturer often delivers sets that additionally come up with a pump and the corresponding connections. Depending on the pond size and stocking, you should be prepared to invest between 150 and over 1000 Pounds.
Oase pond filter – It comes up with many advantages
A pond filter from Oase has great advantages. The devices are mostly high-quality processed and designed for a long durability. In addition, there is an adequate solution for almost all conditions on site – whether private or commercial. Nevertheless, not everything speaks for the manufacturer. So that you can comfortably weigh up the pros and cons, we have provided you with an overview below:
- There are equally solutions for large koi ponds as for small water
- Delivery is mostly in a set, which is ready for immediate use
- Devices can be put into operation quickly and easily
- Little space required (some models can be buried and hidden)
- Coarse and fine particles are removed (UV filter may be present)
- Also toxic substances, such as ammonia, nitrate and nitrite, are successfully removed
- Water is additionally enriched with oxygen, which prevents overturning in summer
- Maintenance can be carried out in an uncomplicated way
- Moderate power consumption
- Comprehensive service available
- Relatively high price